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Take a Peek 👀 Behind the Scenes at Music Theory Shop

What's New at Music Theory Shop HQ

This changed my business

I decided to go with Thinkific as my learning platform. I use Shopify to host my website, and Thinkific was the only learning platform that has an app integration. So far, so's not perfect. But I like the appearance better than Teachable, and Kajabi is overpriced, although it does integrate a lot features. If you've used Canvas, the learning curve is minimal.                                                                        
Get 3 Months of Shopify for $3
Get a free month of Thinkific                                                                                       

Meet My New Music Business Strategist


It's official..I'm now working with Kevin Breuner, music executive at BandLab! Formally a Senior VP at CDBaby, Kevin is at BandLab and NOW working with on strategic growth for Music Theory Shop. Kevin was a major player in building the CDBaby brand, and he's doing the same for BandLab. He was the brains and creator of the "DIY Musician Podcast" (the OG of all music industry podcasts).                                                                                                                                                            
Kevin is a marketing expert and knows everything about how the music business works. You're already seeing, and will continue to see, changes at Music Theory Shop thanks to Kevin. I'm so grateful to have this powerhouse behind me and excited about what's to come.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
You can work with Kevin, too!! If you'd like to work with Kevin in a music artist strategy session for FREE, he has a few sessions left.                                                                                                                                                                                 
Just like music lessons, we need to work consistently with coaches in our businesses. I can help musicians looking to develop or refresh skills, as well as launch their music teaching businesses. For artists and bands looking to release music, or advanced music entrepreneurs, I highly recommend Kevin.                                                                                                                                                           
Also...I would keep an eye out on BandLab. I believe they are on their way to taking over the hyperbole here. For now, I'm playing around with their cloud-based DAW and will be creating some aural skills assignments that will help with ear training.                                                                                                          

Honestly, I was disappointed

The NAMM Show was super fun this year. They actually sponsored my CSU Channel Islands students, and we were quite honored. The tickets are $150 for general admission and half of that for students, but we were lucky enough to get in for free.
Unfortunately, Hal Leonard, my publisher, did not come this year (very surprising) so I was disappointed not to see my books at the show. I enjoy my annual face-to-face with the vice president and was hoping to meet with the rep for Guitar Center.                                                                                                                         
Hal Leonard wasn't the only notably absent company, though. The NAMM Show is still recovering from the pandemic.                                                                          

Sometimes I forget, I'm still a pianist

I'm not playing as much piano as I used to. I go in spurts, play consistently for a few weeks, then get busy and work on other things.                                                                                                                                                                                               
But it might surprise some to know that I'm recording my first album! It's going to be 1980s-90s covers for solo piano, I'm choosing songs that I love by bands, including: Depeche Mode, Nirvana, Guns 'n' Roses, and so many more. Imagine Enjoy the Silence with a classical twist.                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Here's my process: not all songs work well on piano. So when I have an idea, I add it to my Spotify Playlist so I don't forget.Then when I go to practice, I pull up my playlist, transcribe the song(s) and improvise to see if there's enough melodically to work with.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
I forgot how much I enjoy making music myself and I need to do more of this.          

What it's like to be around 70+ music theorists

I had the absolute HONOR of being a lead ("Early Reader") for the AP Music Theory Reading in Kansas City, MO. I worked on "SS1," (which sounds like a boat), but it really means "Sight Singing 1." This is the sight singing question in the major mode. Candidates are asked to perform two sight singing questions, one in major, one in minor. I'd love to do an Aural Skills micro-course that focuses on sight singing, though, the challenge is that developing these skills is best done in person.                                                                                                                     
Being around almost 80 music theorists was incredibly validating. These are my people. Theory jokes? YES. Think "dad-jokes + music." The people, though, truly inspire me and I learned so much in conversations during our breaks as well as during Professional Night. I've participated in AP since 2019, and continue to cultivate these valuable friendships.                                                                                                                                                                                        

New offerings at Music Theory Shop summer '23 to support music students and aspiring music teachers:

Do you teach music and want to make extra cash? Apply for the Music Teacher Affiliate Program                                                                                                             

This generous program helps music teachers make another stream of income with zero time and effort, for doing something they are already doing!                                                                                                                                                                                                

Need some help with chords and writing charts? Now pre-selling for only $27 "Write Better Chord Charts"                                                                                    

Not everybody reads music notation. Many folks just want to improve their understanding of chords and how to perform or write a basic chord chart for their band. Self-study microcourse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Need to nail down your Studio Policy? Enroll now in "Write A Studio Policy for Your Music Teaching Business"                                                                                                         

This is the cornerstone document that all successful music teachers have, and it has saved folks from conflict, uncomfortable situations, losing money, and losing time. Self-study microcourse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Need a deeper dive into launching your music teaching business? Enroll now in"Start Your Own Piano Teaching Studio Today"                                                                                                                                                                                              

This course includes the studio policy micro-course, but it dives deeper into your teaching philosophy, business structure, student recruitment, and future business growth. Self-study course.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Need accountability, support, and build your musical network? Enroll now in"Expansive Music Training & Teaching"                                                                                                                                                       

I'm not a fan of Facebook groups for learning environments, so I'm testing out this platform in order to support my students. Interact with me and others, network, and help each other. Feedback, coaching, networking, encouragement. This group is FREE with any course.                                                                                     

This is what learners are saying..❤️🙏                                                                                                 

 Do you work with a coach? Did you attend NAMM? Are you releasing music?Leave a question or comment below! 👇

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